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Roll of Honor

The National Roll of Honor was established in 1941 in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the National Society. A Society wishing to honor one of its distinguished members submits an application to the National Roll of Honor Chairman, with the approval of the officers and the Board of Managers of our Rhode Island Society.

Miss Marguerite Appleton
Edith Bucklin Hartshorn Mason

Harriet Mansfield Center
Mary Cornelia Talbot
Margaret Rood Hazard
Florence Madeline Bridgham
Jeannie Lippitt Weeden
Eleanor Jenckes Roelker
Elizabeth Bridgham Dexter
Jessie Howard Bucklin
Elizabeth Mitchelson Colt
Sophia Augusta Brown
Julia Lippitt Mauran
Mrs. Frederick Stanhope Peck
Mrs. Colt Anthony

Mrs. L. Earle Rowe
Mrs. Zenas Randall Bliss
Mrs. Sidney Clifford
Mrs. Norman MacColl
Mrs. Frederic P. Rich
Mrs. John C. P. Washburn
Mrs. George Wheeler
Mrs. Pickett M. Greig
Mrs. William A. Sherman
Mrs. Stanley Douglas Hart
Mrs. Walker Mason, Jr.
Mrs. Walter Worrall
Mrs. LeRoy Taylor
Mrs. Poyntell C. Staley

Mrs. E. Brainard Graves
Mrs. Elsie H. Page
Mrs. Joseph K. Ott, Jr.
Mrs. A. A. Tilney Wickersham
Mrs. Thomas L. Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Albert Harkness, Jr.
Mrs. James H. Anderson
Mrs. John H. Howard
Mrs. Richard M. Dunlap
Mrs. Robert Bailey Connelly
Mrs. Richard Grosvenor
Zulette Goodrich Masson Catir
Mary Jean Freeman
Alice Brown Westervelt
Judith Briggs Larkin